Beat the Heat, Not Your Wallet

Is it almost time for the sweltering summer we all love? Well, if you are like me, you really don’t enjoy the heat, but you also might not enjoy paying an arm and a leg just to keep cool. So I have devised six tips that you can use to keep cool over the summer.

Cooling off can be very easy with a cool washcloth on the back of your neck. This trick will cool your entire body off quickly, once the cloth dries out, just wet it again.

Installing a window air conditioning unit can be a great way of cooling the house off in an energy efficient way. This might be a bit costly upfront, but it tends to be much cheaper to cool just one room as opposed to your entire house.

Cooling down at night is much easier if you wear a pair of wet socks to bed with a fan pointed at them. The evaporation cools your entire body down and keeps you cool.

A fan relay is an inventive way of keeping cool air circulating. You can blow cool air from one side of the house to another using a number of fans.

Cooking can generate a great deal of heat, one great way to keep that out of your house is to cook outside on the grill, or eat a salad. If you have to cook inside, you should consider blocking the kitchen with a blanket to prevent the spread of heat.

How do you keep cool without burning money?

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